
Steve Schuster - Short Resume


B.S. Business - Temple U - 1988 ( Philadelphia PA) - finance major - English 101 & 102 (business writing)

Writing Courses

Nonfiction Writing Course - Gotham NYC- 2007

Advertising Copywriting - Writer's College - Tampa Fla. 2007


Ran U.S. Maid - House Cleaning Service - 1991 - 2007- Philadelphia PA

Authored effective niche marketing ads placed in condominium newsletters, and wrote a booklet on running a house cleaning business.

Comedy Writing Experience

Stand up comedy - open stages in 1980's - London's Restaurant, Upstairs at Middle East Restaurant (Philadelphia)

Published Comedy website - Lowlife Magazine - featuring political and social satire.


Published and maintained the website for writer, playwright and poet, Stuart Barenbaum

Published Articles

Published 20 articles at Associated Content. - around 4,000 viewings

The articles feature a wide range of topics from Philadelphia's most famous resident - Ben Franklin to articles about electric cars, the financial crisis of 2008, advertising copywriting, political satire, elderly home care, money saving tips, business news networks, and music reviews.

Published article at ChangeUp Magazine, entitled Cheap Healthy Eats in July of 2009, with an agreement to publish several more articles there.