Writing Projects

Claudine Struck Launches Radio Show on Voice America

Claudine Struck - Author of, "How To Stay Sane When Life Isn't"

To develop interesting and dynamic copy for Claudine's radio show

Wrote radio commercial, Bio, and press releases, in upbeat, interesting style, to attract maximum interest from radio listeners and persuade them to join Claudine's membership club.

"Excellent to work with, quick turn around time given the short / tight deadline. Brilliant with words."

Claudine Struck
Author, Speaker, Coach "How to Stay Sane When Life Isn't"

Claudine Struck Launches a Weekly Internet Talk Radio Show on VoiceAmerica - Health & Wellness Channel Called Stay Sane Now

Tune in and tune up for a mind, body, and spirit enhancing experience.

PHOENIX - Modavox, Inc. (OTCBB:MDVX)

VoiceAmerica Presents Stay Sane Now with Claudine Struck

"Stay Sane Now," with Claudine Struck (staysanenow.com) will air every Thursday at 11PM-12AM - PST, starting Feb. 5, 2009, on VoiceAmerica's Health & Wellness Channel. http://www.modavox.com/voiceamerica/vshow.aspx?sid=1481

The weekly show will re-broadcast 12 hours later and is available online for on-demand listening as well as through web enabled cell phones.

Tune in and Tune Up

Got Stress? Feeling overwhelmed? Want to change your thoughts or feelings? Tune in each week to Stay Sane Now, with host Claudine Struck, speaker, coach, and author of How to Stay Sane When Life Isn't - Self-Care Tools for Renewing Your Mind, Body, and Spirit. The show will help you cultivate healthy relationships, and live a more sane, happier life through Claudine's inspirational approach to integrating mind, body and spirit.

Claudine has gathered the most exciting, authors, and expert guests, in the holistic community.

First show Feb 5, 2009

The first show on Feb. 5, 2009, will be, "Embracing Change." In 540 BC, Heraclitus said, "nothing endures but change." How can we learn to accept, and embrace it?

Appearing with Claudine will be yoga instructor Lisa Matkin, future hypnotist, T.I. Caine, and Shareane Baff - Feng Shui practioner. Lisa Matkin is the star of theYoga Zone line of videos and TV shows, currently shown on Comcast and Wisdom TV. T I Caine is the creator of FutureVisioning™ , which is a revolutionary new healing and success process that empowers people to create the futures they want. Feng Shui practioner Shareane Baff, will show you how to live in harmony with your surroundings.

Future Shows

Future shows will deal with, healing our emotions, creating a healthy environment at work and home, self esteem building tips, relationship recovery, enhancing your communication skills, and financial health tips. Get ready to stay sane, have fun, and make each new day the best day of your life. Tune in and tune up for a mind, body, and spirit, enhancing experience.


To access the show, log on at http://www.modavox.com/voiceamerica/vshow.aspx?sid=1481

All shows will be available in Claudine Struck' s Content Library on the VoiceAmerica Health & Wellness Network for on-demand and podcast download.

About Claudine Struck

Claudine Struck is a renowned speaker and author of, How to Stay Sane When Life Isn't, series - consisting of 3 books, "Mind, Body, and Spirit." A healthy mind, body and spirit, complete the 3 legged stool of contentment. When one falters, we stumble. When they work collectively, we are complete.

Claudine developed her philosophy, after she overcame stress and burnout from running 2 businesses, along with the added responsibilities of motherhood.

Claudine Struck is a renowned coach and speaker who has been teaching individuals and facilitating groups since 1994.

Claudine Struck has 15 years experience as a Marymount certified personal trainer, yoga instructor, and is a licensed massage therapist in Shiatsu and Swedish Massage.

She is a wife and proud mother of 2 beautiful children, residing in Garrison NY.

After spending 15 years as a personal trainer, massage therapist and yoga instructor, Claudine's practice moved from the periphery of the body, through the brain, to the center of our being, the spirit.

No matter what storms rage around us, business or personal, Claudine is dedicated to providing people with the necessary tools to endure the turmoil of modern life, and to stay sane when life isn't.

Recent Press Release:

New York Times Best Selling Author - Marci Shimoff Appears On Stay Sane Now, Radio Show.

She has Sold Over 13 Million Books

Why is happiness so elusive? One in five Americans are on anti-depressants! When we focus on fear, worry, or hate, we can't experience happiness, enthusiasm or love.

Claudine Struck, broadcasted her Stay Sane Now Radio Show, entitled, 7 Steps To Happiness, on April 23, 2009. You can listen to this show at - http://www.modavox.com/voiceamerica/vshow.aspx?sid=1481 in the April 2009 - episode listing. And while you're there check out our other previously broadcasted shows.

Stay Sane Now airs every Thursday at 11 AM Pacific Time.

Joining host, Claudine Struck on April 23, 2009, was Marci Shimoff. Marci Shimoff is the author of the runaway bestseller, Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out. Her book, which offers a revolutionary approach to lasting happiness, soared to #1 on Amazon, and debuted at #2 on The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal's Best Sellers Lists. It's now been translated into 28 languages.

Marci is also the host of the Happy for No Reason, PBS special that has aired nationwide, and is a featured teacher in the hit film, The Secret. Her books, including Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul and Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul, have met with stunning success, selling more than 13 million copies.

Marci is a professional speaker and one of the nation's leading experts on happiness, success, and the law of attraction.

Marci Shimoff will demonstrate some proven methods we can use to attract people. Marci will explain what the happiness myth is and why it makes people so unhappy. She'll tell us about some easy activities that take only 5 to 10 minutes daily, guaranteed to raise your happiness factor. Marci will explain why people who are happy for no reason are not only more resilient but bring their happiness to their life experience.

Check out, 7 Steps To Happiness, which aired on April 23, 2009 at
http://www.modavox.com/voiceamerica/vshow.aspx?sid=1481 - in the April 2009 episode listing, and start living the contented life.

Stay Sane Now, host Claudine Struck recently released a three book series called, "How to Stay Sane When Life Isn't - 10 Tools Each, for Renewing Your Mind, Body and Spirit." Claudine is a coach, a certified yoga instructor, massage therapist and a personal trainer. Her practice helps others deepen their lives, create an easy spiritual practice, and reconnect with themselves, to stay sane in an insane world. Visit her website - www.staysanenow.com

The Five Star Buffet Restaurant is a Chinese restaurant. They are a family run establishment. Their current motto taken from their menu is: "We provide healthy, freshly, well prepared food daily with over hundreds of alterations." The slogan is too long, and the wording is awkward.

I created a slogan and motto to be used on the menu and in advertising.

Huge Selection, Friendly Service

An affordable, family run buffet restaurant with over 100 fresh, healthy, items, daily.

To target affluent customers in condominium communities for cleaning services. One and two bedroom condos are smaller and more profitable than houses. There are high concentrations of affluent seniors in condos, which is the target market. If U.S. Maid can obtain a high concentration of customers in a few gated condominium complexes, traveling between jobs would be substantially lowered, raising profits.

To advertise in monthly condo newsletters, using large half page ads using a question format in the headline. Example --- Why do so many Delaire Landing residents use U.S.Maid Cleaning Service?

This ad uses tried and true advertising methods. It gets attention by mentioning the particular condominium in the headline - Ads that mention the target customer's city or neighborhood in the headline, get higher response rates. Headlines that ask a question attract greater interest and get more response. We then listed all the competitive advantages of using U.S. Maid in simple numbered form, such as: 1) Low flat rates. 2) We supply all the equipment, etc.

Once the target customer is attracted to the headline - she will read the entire copy stating the advantages of a product or service.

Half Page Ad

Why do so many Delaire Landing residents Use U.S. Maid Cleaning Service?

• We provide all cleaning supplies, even the vacuum cleaner
saves you the time and expense of purchasing these items on your own. Our affliation with Jeff Campbell's Clean Team enables us to use the finest supplies and methods.

• Low flat rates - most 1 or 2 bedrooms under $50.
Beats cleaning services that charge by the hour & don't finish the job

• Bonded
Recommended by Catholic Social Services including Holy Redeemer & Maternity BVM & Benjamin Rush Center

Call (215) 331-1258 -

And discover what many Delaire Landing residents already know- that U.S Maid is truly a superior service.